CAGT strives to provide parents with tools and resources that will assist them in understanding and meeting the unique needs of their gifted children. It is important for parents to understand gifted traits and become effective advocates for their children’s education which will differ depending on each child’s specific needs and circumstances.
- Check out the CAGT Local Affiliates page to see how you can get connected to other families and resources in your area.
- Remember to visit our Students page for additional resource links.
Resources for parents and guardians of gifted individuals
- 13 Helpful Phrases You Can Say to Calm an Anxious Child
- Acceleration Institute
- American Mensa – Gifted Youth
- Social Emotional Needs of Gifted (SENG)
- Dabrowski’s Theory and Existential Depression in Gifted Children and Adults (Webb)
- Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope with Explosive Feelings (Amazon)
- Finding Age Appropriate Books for Gifted Readers
- Gifted, Bullied, Resilient: A Brief Guide for Smart Families (Amazon)
- Genius Denied How to Stop Wasting Our Brightest Young Minds
- Gifted Development Center
- If This is a Gift, Can I Send It Back? (Amazon)
- Just what is gifted and talented?
- Make Your Worrier a Warrior: A Guide to Conquering Your Child’s Fears (Amazon)
- A Nation Empowered Vol. 1 (PDF)
- A Nation Empowered Vol. 2 (PDF)
- Navigating in a Social World: Strategies for Motivating Gifted Children (PDF)
- A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Teens: Living with Intense and Creative Adolescents (Amazon)
- A Response to “All Children Are Gifted” by Michael C. Thompson (PDF)
- The Gifted Resource Center of New England
- The Misunderstood Face of Giftedness
- A Parent’s Guide to Giftedeness (Amazon)
Resources on twice-exceptional students
- 2e Twice-Exceptional Newsletter
- Bright Not Broken (Amazon)
- Critical Issues in the Identification of Gifted Students with Co-Existing Disabilities The Twice-Exceptional
- The Autistic Brain (Amazon)
- IDEA Applies To ‘Twice Exceptional’ Students Too
- Smart-Shaming: Sorry But Your Child Is Too Bright To Qualify for Help by Dr. Dan Peters
- When Parenting Twice-Exceptional Kids, Not Everything Needs to be Fixed
- Understood
- Normal Sucks: How to Live, Learn, and Thrive Outside of the Lines (Amazon)
- Smart But Scattered (Amazon)
Disclaimer: These helpful links displayed on this page are provided as a convenience and are for informational purposes only. CAGT bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the websites listed on this page.