As leaders in our Colorado districts and schools, you are entrusted with ensuring that our gifted and advanced ability students have access to appropriate programming to meet their academic and affective needs. You are also tasked with ensuring that your educators are provided with professional development addressing best practices for working with gifted and 2e students that is grounded in current research.

Below are resources for your teachers and support staff to better serve these unique students in your school:

Grants and Scholarships

  • Cherylin Peniston Scholarship The Foundation for Colorado Gifted & Talented offers these scholarships (up to $500) to assist current GT Directors/ Coordinators for the purpose of fostering excellence within gifted education and providing financial assistance in meeting the requirements for GT qualification.
  • Leaders in Action – This scholarship is intended to support current Colorado principals interested in growing or strengthening his or her school’s gifted program. This scholarship includes: Attending the CAGT Annual Conference, Leadership Forum, a mentor and more.

Disclaimer: These helpful links displayed on this page are provided as a convenience and are for informational purposes only. CAGT bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the websites listed on this page.
