Lend Your Voice
CAGT is the leading voice for gifted education in Colorado. Through the vision, financial support, and ongoing dedication of our members for more than 40 years, the programs that benefit over 66,000 gifted children (CDE, 2019-2020) today are a direct result of that support.
Join CAGT and lend your voice in helping to persuade policy makers that Coloradans care about gifted children and gifted education!
Electronic Communications
- The Kaleidoscope
Our quarterly electronic newsletter
- The Happenings
Electronically provides monthly updates of GT events
- Online Calendar
View the calendar on our website
Annual Statewide Events
- CAGT Annual Conference
A two-day event for educators, administrators and parents
- Family Institute
An evening with national and local experts, to support families as they raise gifted children
- Leadership Forum
A breakfast for Colorado educational leaders to network (co-sponsored with the Colorado Department of Education)
- Legislative Day
An opportunity for gifted secondary students to shadow state legislators and learn how to advocate for gifted education
Advocacy and Support
CAGT has worked toward and accomplished:
Professional Development
CAGT offers graduate credit for those completing the necessary requirement when attending the Annual Conference.
Local Networking and Educational Opportunities
CAGT supports our local Affiliates that provide programming and resources for families and educators. Networking opportunities are available both at affiliate meetings as well as at the Annual Conference. New this year, CAGT has a Speaker’s Bureau for Affiliates to bring in local experts to present and support Affiliate members and local families of gifted children. Grants are also available to help with funding.
Leadership Opportunities
CAGT provides a wide range of opportunities for members to serve in leadership positions at the local and state levels.
Thank you!
Your membership allows us to continue all of this important work for gifted students in the state of Colorado. We cannot do it without you!