A financial framework for our membership dues
CAGT understands and appreciates the unique and invaluable relationship that affiliates bring to our state organization. Because of the support of all GT advocates (parents, educators, administrators and community members) across the state, we have been able to serve and advocate for gifted children in a very positive way! This partnering program provides the financial framework for our membership dues. Current annual dues for CAGT membership (including the Affiliate) is $40 starting September 1st of each year.
For Active Affiliates
Only active affiliates may participate in this program. Active affiliate membership must include the following activities, in addition to following the bylaws of the affiliate and state organization: 1) holding affiliate board meetings, 2) communicating with members, 3) offering programs for the benefit of gifted students or advocates, and 4) using affiliate funds (no matter how they are received) for activities only while the affiliate is in good and active standing with CAGT.
Board members of the affiliate must sign a yearly statement of understanding of these requirements. If an affiliate becomes inactive or is no longer in good standing, the affiliate bank accounts must be turned over to CAGT for safekeeping.
Please keep in mind that although the Affiliate partnering program is based on paid CAGT membership, it is the policy of CAGT and its affiliates that events are open to everyone no matter of their membership status. CAGT also encourages the affiliates to maintain a “friends” email list for those people that are not members, but still wish to be informed of upcoming events or legislation.
- All established affiliates meeting the above criteria will receive $350 annually plus $5 for each renewal paid member that has designated their Affiliate. This was designed to be more equitable to both large and small affiliates.
- For any NEW membership that an affiliate brings to CAGT, the Affiliate will receive $30 of the $40 for the first year of membership. New members are defined as not having been a paid CAGT member during the past three years.
- Receive a total of $500 for the first year. $100 of that to be issued as initial startup money with the remaining $400 to be issued upon approval of their affiliate status by CAGT.
- Once the 1st year passes, the affiliate receives a prorated amount of the Affiliate Partnering Program until the next full membership year.
- New affiliates are also eligible for the NEW membership portion of this program.
- New affiliates may forego this section and go directly to the Affiliate Partnering Program if it yields a higher benefit for them.
To receive monies under the Affiliate Partnering Program, affiliates must submit an agenda or minutes from a board meeting (including Treasurer’s Report), statement of how communication with members takes place (i.e. Cvent, Yahoo, etc.), and an example or flyer from a recent programming event.
CAGT also provides CAGT’s electronic newsletter (The Kaleidoscope and Happenings) to all affiliates for use in their local communications. Affiliates can access their membership through Cvent.